Friday, December 26, 2008

Reminiscing about seeing chalk drawings with you

Talking about the flash flood warning for tomorrow evening, I found myself remembering the chalk drawing of the smiling jellyfish and the heart with the two girlfriends’ names etched inside—and a third girl’s name with an arrow pointing to the duo drawn as an afterthought. I remembered when he and I had walked under the bridge by the river and discovered them on the stone wall upholding the bridge on one end. It was a sunny day, with light sparkling on the shallow river and ducks swimming around. We laughed as we analyzed them, imagining the group of girls who had drawn them.

I remembered that time one day when I was walking by myself by the river, and chanced to walk under the same bridge. I had forgotten that the chalk drawings were under that bridge, and I was delighted to find them intact. They were just as they were when we’d stopped there together several months before.

Today I thought and I wondered. Would the flood rise high enough to erase those chalk drawings if they were still there? Were they still there? I wished I’d taken a picture of them when I’d passed there for a second time that one day, but then I thought to trust the memories of that happy day with you to my pen, and hoped that you’d remember it too.

1 comment:

  1. This is… incredible! Wow, I never thought anybody could do that! Does it actually look like that when you stand there for real, or does the effect only appear in photos? Because, wouldn’t it look all flat in real life?
